Current Events




Chatting With Kim Thatcher

 Just like the summer weather, the election season is heating up! With less than 100 days to go, please join Secretary of State candidate Kim Thatcher for an informal discussion about her campaign and current events related to the upcoming election. This is one of Kim’s special Zoom Sessions, which she plans to hold on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, until election day.

Everyone is welcome to join, since Kim views the Secretary of State as a non-partisan office, which represents all Oregonians, she would especially like to invite any Democrats, non-affiliated voters, and those who belong to some of the many minor parties in Oregon politics. To participate, please click on the zoom link below or call in using the phone number provided. Please share this invitation with friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and others. We hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 928 3909 6034
Passcode: 883164
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,92839096034#,,,,,,0#,,883164# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 928 3909 6034 Passcode: 883164

 JCRP Virtual Candidate Forum

Jackson County Republican Party hosted a Virtual Candidate Forum open to all of the CD2 candidates. We were able to get 8 today, and we are seeking responses from the others as well. The candidates were asked the following questions:

  1. Which policies of Pres Trump do you agree and disagree with (if any) and how strongly will you support him in the House?

  2. Why are you running and how are you most qualified? 

  3. What are your top three federal policy concerns or opportunities?

  4. The COVID pandemic has highlighted concern for individual freedom. Are you concerned about the increase in government control in the future, and what would you propose as safeguards?

  5. Our rural district has specific concerns over agriculture, forestry, the 2nd Amendment, and tax policy. Where do you stand on these issues? 

Thank you to the The Dove studio for hosting the event for us! We will make the videos available to all of the Republican Central committees in CD2.


Cliff Bentz

David Campbell


Jason Atkinson

Jimmy Crumpacker


Knute Buehler

Travis Fager


Jeff Smith

Justin Livingston